
Are you seeking a life-changing experience like no other? Meet a multi-faceted professional with a unique blend of talents and experiences that can help you unlock your full potential.

About Burak Akcakanat

– Designer: With a creative mind and a keen eye for aesthetics, Burak brings a unique artistic perspective to every endeavor.
– Brain Scientist: With a deep understanding of the human mind, Burak Akca delves into the intricacies of cognition, helping you navigate the complexities of your own thoughts. (
– Leadership Coach: Learn from Burak’s expertise in guiding individuals and organizations to reach their full leadership potential.
– Enlightened Man (since 2001): Burak has embarked on a profound journey of self-discovery, bringing wisdom and enlightenment to your life.

Explore a World of Expertise

– Relationships: Gain insights into nurturing meaningful connections.
– Business: Navigate the corporate world with confidence and innovation.
– Marriage: Strengthen the foundation of your partnership and love.
– Faith & Philosophy: Delve into profound questions about existence, meaning, and purpose.
– World Issues & Solutions: Find informed perspectives on global challenges.
– Politics & Virtues: Discover the principles of being a good person in a complex world.
– Fundamentals of a Functional Society: Learn how societies thrive and the role you can play.

A Unique Experience Awaits

Friendship with Burak is more than a consultancy; it’s a life-changing journey of wisdom, perspective, and problem-solving. Experience profound transformations, eradicate potential issues before they arise, and embrace a life of fulfillment.

Convenient and Flexible

You can now enjoy my services at your remote convenience through a flexible pay-as-you-go plan. Payments can be made via PayPal. Sessions can be conducted in audio or video formats. Language options include Turkish and English. Just ask for a spot, and you’ll have 1.5 hours of your own unique experience.

Pricing: $350 per session.

Don’t miss the opportunity to embark on a transformative journey. Contact today and take the first step toward a more enlightened, informed, and empowered you.


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Kategori Seçiniz
Hizmet Seçiniz
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Randevu rezervasyon özetiniz

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Tarih & Zaman
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Randevu Detayları
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Herhangi bir ödeme yöntemi bulunmamaktadır.
Ödeme türünü seçin

Yerel Ödeme Yapın


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